Fitur :
1. Super Smooth, Super Fast & Stable.
2. Just like Samsung Galaxy Note III.
3. Air Gesture.
4. Multi Window.
5. Smart Pause.
6. Pre Rooted
7. Acid Music Mod Version Installed
8. Viper4Android, Universal Support, Xposed, Health Apps, Kites Air etc Pre Installed
SS =
Instal via CWM
- Wipe cache
- Advanced>Wipe dalvik Partition
- Format system
- Format cache
Fix Laucher : Buka Xposed instaler>framework>instal/update terus reboot.
Buka lagi Xposed instaler>modules terus centang Xposed app setting. terus reboot lagi
Buka Xposed app setting, cari touzwich home dan set seperti dibawah :
- Set Screen (DP,PX) : 480x854
- Set Orientation : Normal Rotation
- Terus Klik save pojok kanan atas, terus pencet home atau kembali
Untuk V B Instal boot.img nya DOWNLOAD setelah instal rom diatas. terus reboot :D
Spesial Thanks
1. Super Smooth, Super Fast & Stable.
2. Just like Samsung Galaxy Note III.
3. Air Gesture.
4. Multi Window.
5. Smart Pause.
6. Pre Rooted
7. Acid Music Mod Version Installed
8. Viper4Android, Universal Support, Xposed, Health Apps, Kites Air etc Pre Installed
SS =
Instal via CWM
- 1. Reboot Ke CWM
- 2. Backup Rom
- 3. 3 wipe
- Wipe cache
- Advanced>Wipe dalvik Partition
- 4. 3 Mount
- Format system
- Format cache
- 5. Go back, Instal zip from sdcard ( cari rom nya, instal dan tunggu )
- 6. Reboot
Fix Laucher : Buka Xposed instaler>framework>instal/update terus reboot.
Buka lagi Xposed instaler>modules terus centang Xposed app setting. terus reboot lagi
Buka Xposed app setting, cari touzwich home dan set seperti dibawah :
- Set Screen (DP,PX) : 480x854
- Set Orientation : Normal Rotation
- Terus Klik save pojok kanan atas, terus pencet home atau kembali
Untuk V B Instal boot.img nya DOWNLOAD setelah instal rom diatas. terus reboot :D
Spesial Thanks
- Allah
- Aziz azaria port to polytron w1400
- Mastah2
- Grup
- All Member
- thanks ke Semua nya dah :v
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